Why Do Photos "Cost So Much"


I know- I’ve been there. Just wanting some documentation of a special moment without paying “an arm and a leg.” And, let me tell you, I was there before I started my own business. Because photographers just show up with a snazzy camera, snap a few pics, and then take FOREVER to send them over to you, right? What merits hundreds of dollars?? Let me tell ya…

The cost of your session is based on a couple components (as is the cost of anything)- 1. the cost of someone’s time, the cost of their experience/expertise, and the cost it takes them to provide your product and maintain a business.



When I first started photography I easily spent 20 hours on a session. Communicating with the client, scouting locations, studying posing techniques, shooting techniques, all the techniques, arriving ridiculously early to scout the location again, photographing clients, travel time, editing and re-editing photos, and delivering the photos. Now, while I am definitely more efficient with my time, it still takes a LOT more than you would anticipate. Not only do I still spend time doing all the aforementioned, I am also making significant temporal investment in more education, marketing, website development, networking and more.


Lets face it- as a beginning photographer I honestly had no idea what I was doing. My editing was all over and my posing was really stiff. As mentioned earlier, I am more efficient with my time and also a much better photographer because of the investment I have put into my practice. I have learned hard lessons through experience. That is valuable.

Cost of doing business

Photographers pay for websites, photo delivery platforms, clothing styling platforms, editing applications, training, cameras, flashes, and a ridiculous amount of other gear. Photographers have to pay to be in business. If you ever get a “free session,” it is in no way free. It is costing them.

So yes, you will spend money to obtain what I offer because there is a lot that goes into it. I think I can speak for all photographers when I say we truly love the people who pay for our services, especially when they aren’t trying to get a “good deal.” I put my heart into my work for you. Being able to hand you an image that perfectly represents your relationship with someone fulfills me because I honestly believe your current situation, your now, is worth remembering.
