How to Prepare Your Kids for a Session


Almost every mother approaches me with concerns about how their children will act during a session. For all you moms out there, let me ease your worrying minds with lists of tips and tricks I’ve learned over the years.

1. You have a LOT of power to set kids up for success or failure.


-Talk to your kids about the session in advanced. Let them know how exciting it will be to get pictures taken and that we are going to have FUN. Tell them how special and important this is to you.

-Dress them in clothing that isn’t miserable to wear and that is appropriate for the weather. A toddler will NEVER be happy underdressed in the middle of winter or with an itchy shirt on. If it’s cold, put them in layers and remember that hats and gloves are adorable!

-Don’t let your littles fall asleep on the drive to the session. It rarely works out well.


-Make sure their bellies are full and they are well rested.

-Ain’t no shame in a bribe. Having a special ice cream date set up for after the session can honestly do wonders.


-SNACKS. Bringing mess-free snacks is always a great idea! Tic-tacs, cheerios, fruit snacks!

2. Your and your husband’s attitude and stress level contributes significantly to how your kids do during the session.

-I know getting everyone dressed and out the door on time can be super challenging and it’s very common for moms to be pretty stressed upon arriving. Kids pick up on parents’ moods and attitude so do your best to be happy (or at least not let your irritation show)!

-If your husband has a poor attitude, so will your kids (especially your boys!). Reminding him how important this is to you (and praising/thanking him as he cooperates) can do wonders. Bribery has been known to be effective on full grown men, as well.

3. Your kids don’t scare me- chances are I can handle whatever they throw my way.

-I have spent A LOT of time corralling children in most imaginable circumstances. I am well-versed in getting rid of wiggles and being a complete imbecile to earn their trust and attention.

- I would rather have your kids act crazy and show their personalities than have them do a fake cheesy smile the whole time!

- I will basically never force a toddler/baby to do something they don’t want to do for the sake of a picture. So if they don’t want to do what I ask, lets move on and try something else!

I hope this list proves helpful for you! Remember, kids will be kids and I anticipate that! If you still have concerns after going through this list or think some information could be helpful for me going into a session, I’d love to discuss it. Never hesitate to contact me with any questions!